CCDC's programs are actively working to eradicate food insecurity, foster connections, and strengthen community bonds.
Programs and Services
Coraopolis Food Pantry
The pantry provides for the food security needs of hundreds of families in the 15108 zip code, Neville Island, Groveton and Crescent Township. The pantry is located at 923 Fifth Avenue and typically runs the first and third Sundays of the month, but click the button below for exact dates.
Snack Pack Program
We partner with the Cornell School District and Mooncrest Afterschool Program to provide 175 children weekly with food over the weekend. The Snack Pack program impacts hunger in the community by allowing children to have breakfast, lunch, and snack items when they can’t rely on school meals.
Community Garden
The garden is a place of peace and tranquility in town, plus we grow 1500-2000 pounds of produce each year for the pantry. The garden is open dawn until dusk and open to the public. Volunteers can adopt-a-plot or take an afternoon to help weed throughout the season.
Age-Friendly Coraopolis
We are making Coraopolis a great community for people of all ages by organizing trips that bring different generations together, offering computer-literacy classes specifically designed for seniors, and improving access to public spaces around town.
Coraopolis Festivals
Our festivals attract thousands of visitors, providing an opportunity to enjoy our vibrant business district and celebrate the incredible diversity that makes Coraopolis unique. Festivals include June & July Second Saturdays, the Coraopolis Latin Festival, and the Coraopolis Fall Festival.
Community Partners
We are committed to impacting poverty in Coraopolis by bringing in partners who can provide programming to our community. Our partners provide ESL Classes, Computer Literacy Classes, and more.